Für unsere englischsprachigen Freunde (oder für Rami, wenn er voll ist) erklärt dieses Lexikon mal die wichtigsten Begriffe des Karnevals auf Englisch. Fals Ihr einen Tommy oder Ami treffen solltet, habt Ihr wenigstens was parat!

An Annotated English-German
Glossary of Carnival Terms

Karneval Fasching Fastnacht Fasnet

Alaaf! Carnival greeting in the Kölsch dialect of Cologne.
Helau! Carnival greeting in Düsseldorf.
die Büttenrede A rhyming humorous Carnival speech
Ho Narro!
S'goht degege!
Aus dem Alemannischen: Es geht dagegen!
Fastnacht Der Abend vor der Fastenzeit
The name of the nighttime Fasnacht procession in Basel
Fool's Leap, a famous Fasnet procession in Rottweil
Fasching, Karneval

Carnival or Mardi Gras goes by many names in German, depending on the region and dialect. Whether you call it Fastnacht, Fasching or Karneval, it is a time for revelry, humor and satire. Although its origins go back to ancie nt pagan times, it is the Romans and the Italians to whom the Germans owe many aspects of their celebration. The former Roman settlements of Cologne, Bonn and Mainz still celebrate Karneval. In this annotated glossary, you'll find vocabulary and facts related to the "fifth season."

Ash Wednesday  der Aschermittwoch
  The day after Carnival ends and Lent begins.

association, guild, society (Carnival)  der Verein, die Zunft, die Gesellschaft
  See "guild" below.

ball (dance) (n.)  der Ball (Bälle)
  Carnival ball  der Faschingsball, der Karnevalball

Carnival, Mardi Gras  der Fasching, die Fastnacht, der Karneval
  The German words for "Carnival" vary by region. Karneval is from Latin. Fasching and Fastnacht are Germanic.

Carnival (rhyming) speech  die Büttenrede (-n)
  The tradition of humorous, rhyming Büttenreden began in Cologne. An entire industry, complete with books and Web sites, has grown up around it.

costume (n.)  das Kostüm (-e), die Verkleidung (-en)

the fifth season  die fünfte Jahreszeit (Karneval)

fool, clown (n.) der Narr (-en)

the foolish/silly season  die närrische Saison (Karneval)

foolish, silly (adj.)  närrisch

fool's cap  die Narrenmütze (-n), die Narrenkappe

guild  die Zunft (Zünfte)
  fool's guild  die Narrenzunft (-zünfte)
  Carnival guilds or societies organize and run the season's events.

Lent, the Lenten season  die Fastenzeit
  Lent, the 40-day Fastenzeit begins on Ash Wednesday (Aschermittwoch and ends at Easter (Ostern).

mask  die Maske (-n)
  In some regions, rules and tradition require that Karnevalmasken be hand-carved and made only of wood.

parade  der Umzug, pl. (Umzüge)

Rose Monday  der Rosenmontag
  Rose Monday parade  der Rosenmontagumzug
  This is the big parade day for Karneval in Cologne, while Fasching in the south reaches its climax on Shrove Tuesday. Rosenmontag actually has nothing to do with roses, but is derived from rasen, to rave or rage!

Shrove Tuesday  der Fastnachtsdienstag, der Faschingsdienstag

Women's Carnival/Thursday  der Weiberfastnacht
  On the last Thursday before Fastnacht, also called Fastelabend, Schmutziger Donnerstag or Schmotzige Dunschstig, women play pranks such as cutting off men's ties. Other names: Dorendonderdach, feister phinztag, gumpiger donstag, kleine fastnacht (Oberrhein), fetter Donnerstag, schwerer Donnerstag (Rheinland), Semperstag, tumbe fassnacht, unsinniger Donnerstag, Weiberdonnerstag, wuetig Donnerstag, Wuscheltag (Basel), zemperstag, zimpertag.

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